
With training designed for employees at different levels of the organization, we support you in getting the right knowledge and tools and correctly placing risk management in activities, plans and work processes.

Today, risk management strategies and processes enable the successful business. They drive innovation, revenue, and the overall vision of the company. Simultaneously, effective risk management prevents the realization of adverse scenarios and the emergence of potential crises.

Understanding which risks could affect the goals of operating revenues, therefore, helps decision-makers in setting priorities. It is a systematic process based on the monitoring and analyzing relevant data and takes place daily, with all stakeholders’ participation. Establishing a risk culture ensures that all stakeholders in the organization feel prepared and equipped with the appropriate knowledge and tools to detect and eliminate risks.

Why is risk management training necessary?

Risk management is a field that is still being developed and established in our business environment. Inadequate knowledge might lead to various misconceptions, such are:
If management and employees in a company think in this or a similar way, we advise you to improve your knowledge of risk management as soon as possible.



By establishing a risk culture, eliminating outdated tactics, and aligning risks with your organization’s strategic goals, CEOs and executives can gain and simultaneously build trust in the organization’s risk management processes.

To do this, you need to develop an appropriate strategy for your company, effectively pass it on to employees, and be actively involved in the process to ensure that employees understand the reasonable steps needed to identify and mitigate risks at different organization levels.


Disruption may occur in any business activity. However, every risk manager’s challenge is to eliminate recurring and growing disturbances before they escalate into problems and thus become crises.

With our training, we direct you to establish a practically useful risk management system, designed to systematically monitor, reduce and prevent all phenomena that can cause any crisis and limit the organization in achieving its goals. In this way, you will plan measures and activities much better and obtain relevant information to support your superiors in planning and implementing business decisions successfully.


All employees are responsible for effective risk management, so they need to understand the consequences of the actual risks and the most effective measures to prevent them or their possible recurrence.

Risk management must be part of an integrated strategy that ensures that employees know and understand their responsibilities and, thus, actively reduce risks. In addition to an in-depth understanding of risk management, employees will also learn about practical techniques and tools that will help them perceive and prevent the various threats they face during the work process.

Find out more about our trainings. Send us an inquiry:

SPLETNI DOGODEK | 19. 11. 2020 OB 10. uri

Vsako podjetje je izpostavljeno tveganjem, ki so nas letos prizadela na povsem nepričakovan način. Zato je toliko bolj pomembno, da jih razumemo in zmanjšujemo, preden povzročijo (še) večjo in nepopravljivo škodo.

Vas zanima, kako dosežemo, da je upravljanje tveganj praktično uporabno ter nam dejansko pomaga zaznavati in preprečevati različne grožnje? Vse se začne z zavedanjem, o prisotnosti tveganj in njihovem možnem vplivu na poslovni izid.

Če si tudi vi ne želite izpustiti poslovnih priložnosti za ustvarjanje konkurenčnih prednosti, se nam pridružite na spletnem dogodku, kjer bomo obravnavali:

  • Ključne lastnosti in prednosti aktivnega upravljanja tveganj
  • Kako aktivno upravljanje tveganj uvedemo v prakso
  • Prikaz pomembnejših uporabnosti platforme Silver Bullet Risk
  • Odgovore na vprašanja udeležencev



IGOR ZGONC, ustanoviteljl in direktor


BOŽO RECKO, tehnični direktor